I recently came across this photo, pretty thought provoking right? My parents have always been against me ever getting tattoos, even when I'm over 18. Maybe it's a generational thing, they weren't as common years ago but now the majority of people have at least one.
I personally love tattoos, I think they're a brilliant way of expressing yourself. Now, I do agree that some tattoos are tacky and just for show, no real meaning. In the future I do plan on getting a few tattoos and I've had some ideas brewing for a good few years. I think that if it means enough and you won't regret it ten years later, then why not? It's your body after all.
Now, back to the photo, many people with tattoos don't get jobs because of them or people judge them before they get to know them purely because they chose to get a tattoo, which I personally think is absurd. Just because someone has a tattoo, it means they wouldn't do a job as well as someone with no tattoos? It makes no logical sense.
If I went into a job interview with tattoos and the interviewer said that having them might decrease my chances of getting the job, I'd leave. Why would I want a work place that discriminates on people purely on image.
So that's my two cents on tattoos. Hopefully on my 18th birthday I'll get one or two small tattoos to start me off. Exciting stuff.
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