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Ben Howard, What A Beautiful Man.

Saturday, 26 January 2013
I can't even remember how I stumbled across him, it was so long ago. But I do know that ever since then, I've been utterly obsessed with his sea like voice, it so velvety smooth with grains of salt in it and it's just pure heaven. I honestly think I've watched ever video he's ever been in on YouTube, from covers to acoustic sets. I watched him doing the festival circuit on my tv and I cried a bit at a few songs, probably a bit over the top but when I say obsessed I mean it.

His songs are pure brilliance, a little piece of heaven in my ears. No matter what mood I'm in, I pop in my earphones and get lost in a world filled with sunny days spent in the sea and summer nights spent sitting around a camp fire with an acoustic guitar. Some of his songs are my night time lullaby's and some of his songs are my inspiration on days when everything's a little bleak. He played The Olympia in Dublin last year and it broke my heart when I couldn't get a ticket, but hopefully when he gets back from his tour Stateside he'll come back.

Ben has an amazing technique of playing guitar which he uses in his songs Under The Same Sun and These Waters, when I first saw him play like this I was mesmerized, it's genius, intricate, beautiful if you will (as seen below.) The way he sings conveys so many emotions and memories. He deserves so much more recognition for his talent than he's given, but at the same time I want to keep him all to myself.

I think that's all I have to say about Ben, and if you haven't listened to him yet, I hope I've convinced you to give him a try, I promise you won't be disappointed. I'll leave you with a few of my favourite lyrics from his songs, hope you enjoyed this, bye :)

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